10 January 2012

Introducing: The Alertors

In 1984, lightning struck out of a clear, blue sky onto a soccer field in Chester County, Pa., killing one teenage soccer player and injuring 29.  Witnesses said there was no warning; nothing anyone could do.  The accident got widespread media attention.  nth Solutions’ co-founder, Eric, who has played and coached soccer almost his entire life, was particularly sensitive to the tragedy and started using his engineering prowess to develop a solution.
He created the Storm Alert – a device that could detect lightning in open areas.  Storm Alert won numerous awards, including Popular Science’s “Best of What’s New” in 1990.
The Storm Alert, however, was a pretty expensive product.  A better product that would benefit more people would cost under $30.  So the nth Solutions team developed the 2x3 inch Alertor unit.
nth Solutions is a company of innovators.  As Eric likes to say, our biggest asset is our brain power.  We see an everyday problem, and we figure out an extraordinary way to solve it.
And some of the biggest challenges come from the household.  The nth Solutions engineering team has been able to create devices that detect common problems before they become costly or dangerous.
The need for the StormAlertor has not lessened.  More Americans are killed by lightning strikes than any other natural disaster, except flash floods, according to CDC.
We’re a small company, so Kickstarter is the perfect platform to launch our project, which could help a lot of people.  You can find more information about the project here.  Stop by and back us.  And if you have any suggestions for the Alertors, let us know in the comments.

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